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Glock 42: Little Champ or Big Letdown?

Once in a blue moon a gun comes out that raises eyebrows in the shooting community more than a plastic surgeon in LA. Sure, there are stirs in the shooting community all the time—from…

August 16, 2015

The Shield

Kyle Lamb, writer for Guns & Ammo, said that the Shield is now his favorite choice for concealed carry. Why would a man with so many options choose a mere polymer peasant gun as…

December 3, 2014

Straight Dope

It’s been a while since a firearms clothing company came out with a fresh and original take on classic 2A designs. So when Dopesett came onto the scene in January of this year, about…

November 17, 2014

Glock 19 Gen 4 vs. Sig Sauer M11-A1

Glock or Sig Sauer? This question has boggled the minds of many military users, police, and posters on forums across the web for at least two decades now. Before I was even a thought…

November 3, 2014